Filmmaker Dinesh Vijan has confirmed that a sequel to the hit 2019 romantic comedy Luka Chuppi is in the works. The original film, starring Kriti Sanon, Kartik Aaryan, and Aparshakti Khurrana, focused on live-in relationships. For Luka Chuppi 2, Vijan promises a twist on family dynamics, with the plot revolving around divorce kept a secret from the family, leading to hilarious chaos. Vijan hints at the film’s scripting stage, aiming for a release in 18 months, and plans to bring back the original cast along with new faces.
The sequel will keep the “family angle” while diving into new territory, making it just as accessible and fun as the first. Stay tuned for more updates!
#LukaChuppi2 #DivorceSahParivar #DineshVijan #KartikAaryan #KritiSanon #BollywoodNews #Sequel #RomanticComedy #FamilyDrama
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