Bollywood actor Harshvardhan Rane, known for his role as a lover boy in Sanam Teri Kasam (2016), will be returning for the sequel, Sanam Teri Kasam 2. The film, which was announced in 2024, has already generated a lot of excitement among fans. Although the official release date is yet to be confirmed, it is expected to release by the end of 2025.
The original movie was a hit, and fans are eagerly awaiting the return of Pakistani actress Mawra Hocane as Saru. While there has been no official confirmation from the makers, it is highly anticipated that she will reprise her role. The producers shared an official Instagram post in September 2024, which fueled the excitement for the film.
The first Sanam Teri Kasam was a well-loved romantic drama, and with the sequel on the horizon, fans are hopeful for another heartwarming love story.
#SanamTeriKasam2 #HarshvardhanRane #MawraHocane #BollywoodSequel #RomanticDrama #UpcomingMovies #FilmNews #LoveStory #SequelNews
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