The highly anticipated third installment of the Avatar franchise, Avatar: The Way of Fire and Ash, revealed breathtaking new concept art during Disney D23 Brasil on November 10. The movie is set to release in December 2025, and the artwork was shared on the official Avatar X (formerly Twitter) account. Artists like Steve Messing, Dylan Cole, and Zachary Berger contributed to these incredible visuals.
The concept art, featuring stunning biomes of Pandora, jellyfish-like air balloons, and a four-winged Ikran, left fans amazed. Comments flooded in with excitement:
Avatar 2: The Way of Water set the stage with its massive success, becoming the third highest-grossing film of all time at $2.243 billion, surpassing Titanic. Fans now eagerly await the next chapter in Pandora’s story.
#Avatar3 #FireAndAsh #PandoraArt #EpicVisuals #AvatarFranchise #SciFiAdventure
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