On December 24, Anil Kapoor celebrated his birthday with a special surprise for fans. Prime Video, in collaboration with Opening Image Films and Anil Kapoor Film & Communication Network (AKFCN), shared a preview of his upcoming movie Subedaar. Set in rural India, the film follows Subedaar Arjun Maurya as he struggles to adapt to civilian life after serving in the army. Directed by Suresh Triveni, the film stars Anil Kapoor as Arjun Maurya and Radhikka Madan as his daughter.
The film recently wrapped up a tough outdoor shoot in Uttar Pradesh and will begin filming its final scenes in January 2025.
The first look of Subedaar sets high expectations, with intense graphics and the dramatic theme music. Anil Kapoor’s performance as a strong, gritty character has already caught attention, with fans excited about his powerful portrayal.
Anil Kapoor described Subedaar as more than just an action film. It also explores themes like family, honor, and perseverance. Kapoor shared that working with director Suresh Triveni and the team has been a privilege. He also dedicated this first look of the movie to his loyal fans on his birthday.
The movie follows Subedaar Arjun Maurya, who, after fighting for his country, must now battle personal struggles and a troubled relationship with his daughter. The release date for Subedaar has yet to be announced.
#AnilKapoor #Subedaar #PrimeVideo #ActionMovie #FamilyDrama #RadhikkaMadan #FilmPreview #BirthdaySurprise #IndianCinema
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