Filmmaker Abhishek Kapoor has unveiled a captivating new poster for his upcoming film Azaad, sparking excitement among fans. He announced that the teaser will be released today, sharing on his X profile: “Jab baat hogi Dosti aur Wafadari ki.. Tab baat hogi #Azaad ki. #AzaadTeaser Out Today!”
The film features a stellar cast, including Ajay Devgn, Aaman Devgan, and Rasha Thadani, promising an action-packed adventure.
Azaad marks the debut of Aaman Devgan, the nephew of Ajay Devgn, alongside Rasha Thadani, daughter of Anil Thadani and Raveena Tandon. With Ajay Devgn in a powerful role and Diana Penty also featuring, the film aims to showcase fresh talent.
Described as an action-adventure, Azaad explores themes of freedom, bravery, and resilience. Set to hit theaters in January 2025, anticipation is high for this major release.
#Azaad #AzaadTeaser #AjayDevgn #AamanDevgan #DianaPenty #RashaThadani #AbhishekKapoor #ActionAdventure
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