Set in the early 1990s in the tranquil town of Lonpur, Bengal, Shekhar Home follows the brilliant and eccentric detective Shekhar, played by Kay Kay Menon. Shekhar, renowned for his unmatched detective skills, unravels a web of crime and mystery. The series portrays his journey with Jayvrat Sahni (Ranvir Shorey), a middle-aged bachelor who becomes an unexpected ally. Together, they solve cases ranging from blackmail and murder to supernatural occurrences. The show blends suspense and humor, promising a compelling story of friendship, love, betrayal, crime, and conspiracy.
The recently launched trailer offers a riveting glimpse into Shekhar’s world, showcasing his unmatched detective brilliance as he navigates through crime and mystery.
Unearth mysteries with Shekhar Home, where crime and brilliance collide, premiering August 14th on JioCinema Premium!
#ShekharHome #DetectiveDrama #KayKayMenon #JioCinema #MysterySeries #RohanSippy #BBCStudios #SuspenseThriller #StreamingSoon
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