“Level Cross” is a riveting Malayalam mystery-thriller that follows the story of Arjun, a seasoned detective who is called to investigate a series of unexplained deaths in a small village. The seemingly peaceful village is shrouded in secrets, and every clue Arjun uncovers leads to more questions. As he delves deeper, he crosses paths with Maya, a local school teacher with a mysterious past, and Faisal, a journalist determined to uncover the truth. Together, they must navigate a web of lies, hidden motives, and dark secrets that threaten to unravel the fabric of the village. As the investigation intensifies, Arjun must confront his own demons and make harrowing choices to bring the truth to light.
Release Date:
The trailer for “Level Cross” offers a glimpse into the dark and suspenseful world of the film. With a haunting soundtrack by Vishal Chandrashekhar, the trailer sets a tense atmosphere, showcasing snippets of intense performances by Asif Ali, Amala Paul, and Sharafudheen. Quick cuts reveal the intricate web of mystery surrounding the village, with hints of action, emotional confrontations, and the looming sense of danger. The trailer leaves audiences on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the unraveling of the mystery on July 26, 2024.
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