Keerthi Suresh’s upcoming movie Penqiun has just launched its teaser on Monday and fans are already excited about it. It is the second high profile Tamil film that is going to ditch the theatres and go ahead for a digital release. The movie will release on Amazon Prime Video during this lockdown. The first south Indian film to release online was Jyotika’s Ponmangal Vandhal. Many other movies in all languages are going ahead and releasing online instead of waiting to be released in the theaters.
The story of Penquin involves the kidnapping of a child and the agony and pain of a mother post this. The main reason that the title resonates with the movie is that since penguins are such caring parents, the movie is titled after them. Penguins endure harsh weather and take care of their offspring. The film is written and directed by Eashvar Karthic. It is produced by Kaarthekeyen Santhanam, Sudhan Sundaram and Jayaram.
Keerthy Suresh
Ragini Chandran
Mukhyamantri Chandru
The film will begin streaming on June 19th on Amazon Prime Video. The child is kidnapped by a mask wearing psychopath. The mystery is how far will the mother go to protect her child? Will she listen to the kidnapper and give him what she wants or she will take revenge from the kidnapper and get away? Stay tuned to find out.
Available Language: Tamil, Telegu
Streaming Partner: Amazon Prime Video
Release date: 11-June-2020 June (India)
Director: Eshavar Karthic
Producers: Kaarthekeyen Santhanam, Sudhan Sundaram, Jayaram
Writer: Shantanu Srivastava
Music director: Karthik Subbaraj, Santhosh Narayanan
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