Hrithik Roshan’s debut film, Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai, is all set to re-release in cinemas on January 10, 2025, in celebration of his 51st birthday. Directed by Rakesh Roshan, the film, which also stars Ameesha Patel, played a huge role in making Hrithik a nationwide sensation. The movie has been remastered, offering fans a fresh cinematic experience, and it’s the perfect opportunity for younger audiences to witness this classic on the big screen.
The re-release of Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai comes with a double celebration: it also marks the premiere of the much-awaited documentary The Roshans on Netflix, which will chronicle the legacy and journey of the iconic Roshan family.
#HrithikRoshan #KahoNaaPyaarHai #BollywoodClassic #RakeshRoshan #AmeeshaPatel #TheRoshans #BollywoodLegend
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