The makers have officially announced that the live-action adaptation of Ramayana, directed by Nitesh Tiwari, will be released in two parts during Diwali in 2026 and 2027. This highly anticipated film brings the epic Ramayana to life with authentic storytelling and breathtaking visuals. The story of Ramayana, which has captivated hearts for over 5,000 years, will now be told on the big screen like never before.
Producer Malhotra shared the exciting news on Instagram, expressing his vision for the Ramayana adaptation. He stated that this film aims to present Ramayana with reverence, pride, and authenticity, while showcasing India’s rich culture and history.
Part 1 of Ramayana will release in Diwali 2026, followed by Part 2 in Diwali 2027.
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