Karan Johar, 52, took to Instagram to share his latest Diwali party look, but it was his heartfelt caption that grabbed attention. Dressed in a stylish black suit with gold detailing, Karan admitted feeling “alone” even in a crowd. In the caption, written in Devnagari, he expressed his longing to end his single status: “Diwali ki raate, itni mulakaate, bheed mein fir bhi tanhai, single status se kab hogi judaai (So many meetings on Diwali nights, yet I feel lonely in the crowd, when will I get rid of being single?)” He paired his post with the classic song Kuch Toh Log Kahenge from Amar Prem.
Karan, who became a father to twins Yash and Roohi via surrogacy in 2017, has previously shared that he no longer believes in marriage. In a 2018 interview, he explained that at 46, he prefers to focus on his kids, his mom, and his work.
#KaranJohar #DiwaliNights #SingleStatus #FeelingAlone #YashAndRoohi #BollywoodLife #KaranJoharTwins #Diwali2024
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