Indian 3 follows the journey of Senapathy (played by Kamal Haasan), an ex-INA agent turned vigilante, as he continues his fight against corrupt officials across India. After escaping the police, he targets key figures, while the nation rallies for his freedom. The story also introduces Senapathy’s father, Veerasekaran Balram, and mother, Dhakshayini, both freedom fighters from the British Raj era.
Indian 3 was jointly produced by Lyca Productions and Red Giant Movies. The film was shot across multiple locations including Chennai, Rajahmundry, Johannesburg, and Taiwan. Despite delays due to a tragic accident on set and the COVID-19 pandemic, the film wrapped up in March 2024.
Release Date:
The film is set for release in January 2025. Initially planned for theaters, it will now stream globally on Netflix.
The official teaser is expected to drop soon, promising intense action and dramatic sequences as Kamal Haasan returns to his iconic vigilante role.
#Indian3 #KamalHaasan #Shankar #TamilCinema #ActionThriller #Netflix
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