Inspired by the popular adult card game, is an animated comedy sitcom originating from America. Developed by Shane Kosakowski and Matthew Inman, known for their witty humour, the series brings the game’s characters to life with a cheeky twist. Viewers can expect an entertaining narrative as these cat heroes transform into adorable house cats on Earth, embarking on an epic journey filled with heavenly and demonic struggles.
In the world of cats, Exploding Kittens unfolds a titanic clash between good and evil. Here, cats live among humans on Earth and talk like us.
The main storyline reveals that “He’s not just a cat; he’s God.” This unveils how God got stuck on Earth against his will. Unhappy with his situation, he’s determined to return to heaven. His mission: care for Earth’s humans to earn his way back. But as a plump, lovable cat, he must also confront his nemesis, DevilCat.
Exploding Kittens Season 1 premieres on Friday, July 12, 2024.
The cast of Exploding Kittens Season 1 includes:
In the trailer for Exploding Kittens, you’ll witness a classic showdown between good and evil. Imagine God and the Devil stuck on Earth, transformed into regular house cats and living next door to each other. GodCat, tasked with fixing a family’s issues, must overcome his doubts about humans and defeat DevilCat to return to Heaven. It’s a funny and heartwarming story you won’t want to miss!
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