Netflix India’s coming-of-age drama evolves into a mature subject, while exploring Jitendra Kumar’s versatility as an actor. This instalment of the series brings back the spotlight on the harsh realities of coaching institute and the struggle of students preparing for IIT examination through a prim of hope and perseverance. And in the first two seasons, we saw the students preparing for JEE exam, and this time they are appearing for the exam and I’m sure the audience would feel the nervousness and anxiousness with them. The first season of the show was released in 2019 and was an instant hit, and then it was taken over by Netflix India. The second season was released in 2021. We have often seen what a student goes through in their personal and professional life while preparing for an entrance examination. This time, the season captures mentor-mentee bond in a special way, which is refreshing to see. It also talks about mental health while dealing the importance of guidance as a student and the evolving realities of journey through JEE/NEET. And The season is about friendship, romantic life, mental health, mistakes, redemptions, goodbyes and new beginnings. The third part doesn’t waste time and immediately starts with the aftermath of a student’s suicide. Jeetu bhaiya takes the blame on himself for the death. All through the season, he is trying to cope up with the guilt. He is seen resorting to therapy to get over it, and also trying to detach himself from his students, which is reflected in a scene when his therapist asks him, “Why Jeetu Bhaiya? and not Jeetu Sir?” This time, director Pratish Mehta takes over the directing duties from Raghav Subbu. He might have had an easier job with the characters gaining popularity. He did justice to the pressure, and introducing taboo topics such as mental health. Kudos to him for bringing the issue of teachers seeking therapy due to the pressures of helping a student find a way to a brighter future. For instance, there is a scene which shows a widening seepage from the ceiling of Jeetu Bhaiya’s room – which is brilliantly portrayed as a methaphor for the emotional and mental turmoil he is going through. And This time, writers Puneet Batra and Pravin Yadav dive deep to unveil more layers about the growing competition scene, such as the highlighting the need to revamp the education system. If we talk about performances, Jitendra Kumar effortlessly turns into the inspirational teacher, aka life coach, coming out of the Panchayat 3 universe – once again proving his versatility as an actor, as well as his dominance in the web space. It might be because of his IIT background that the character of Jeetu Bhaiya, at many points, seems like a reflection of Jitendra’s real life, which engages you as a viewer. And This time, actor Tilottama Shome has entered the Kota factory, and won everyone over. She is the new chemistry teacher, Pooja didi. She fits into the institute perfectly as she takes on the bigger role – as the mirror of reality for Jeetu when he is stuck in an emotional conundrum. Rajesh Kumar is also effective as a math teacher. The performances of Vartika (Revathi Pillai), Shivangi (Ahsaas Channa), Meena (Ranjan Raj), Uday (Alam Khan), and Vaibhav (Mayur More) can also be appreciated. And There is a scene when Vaibhav seems overpowered by the emotion of jealously, but he doesn’t deny it and accepts it with honesty. Uday wins heart as a friend in need, and watching Meena deal with financial crunch is just emotional and heartwarming. And the third season turns out to be a ride full of emotions as students push themselves to become a better version. There is anxiety, stress, happiness, excitement, jealousy and ego clashes. And The storyline might be weak, but the last episode will definitely make you cry — no matter if you have given a competitive exam ever in your life or been to Kota to witness that frenzy and nervousness before result. But there is something that everyone can relate to. To add to it, the song, Jo Bhi Hoga Ladd Lunga, which can be an inspiration anthem song too, sums up the journey of the show as well as the students. It gives a message that success and failure are never guaranteed — all one can do is work hard for the aim and never quit. It celebrates the preparation rather than the victorious outcome — which can an eye-opener for students, teachers as well as parents. It is streaming on Netflix from May 20.
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