Plot: “
Daughters” follows Angela Patton, CEO of Girls for a Change, as she empowers Black girls through transformative programs like Date with Dad. This initiative, which fosters father-daughter bonding for families separated by incarceration, culminates in a moving dance event where fathers, dressed in semi formal attire, reconnect with their daughters. The documentary captures the profound impact of these moments and the emotional journeys of the participants.
Cast and Crew:
Release Date:
“Daughters” will premiere globally on Netflix on 13 august 2024..
The film features intimate and powerful cinematography that captures the heartfelt moments of the Date with Dad program, including the emotional dance event and the personal stories of the families involved.
A trailer for “Daughters” is available [Insert Trailer Link], showcasing the touching and inspirational moments of the documentary.
#DaughtersNetflix #AngelaPatton #GirlsForAChange #DateWithDad #Empowerment #Documentary #NetflixDocs #SundanceWinner #FamilyReunion #IncarcerationImpact
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