“Back to 15” is a Brazilian comedy-drama series that follows Anita, a woman unhappy with her adult life who mysteriously travels back to her teenage years. The third season, set to release on August 21, 2024, will feature another time jump, this time to 2009. Fans can expect more of Anita’s adventures as she navigates college life with the wisdom of an adult.
The show stars Camila Queiroz as the adult Anita and Maisa Silva as her 15-year-old self. The third season will also introduce a new character, Filipa, portrayed by Larissa Manoela. Bruna Viera, the show’s author, expressed her excitement about the renewal.
Filming for the final season began in October 2023. Carolina Alckmin and Mayra Lucas from Glaz Entretenimento will continue to produce the series, ensuring that the nostalgic and humorous tone remains intact.
Season 3 of “Back to 15” will premiere worldwide on Netflix on August 21, 2024.
As the series concludes, fans can look forward to a satisfying end to Anita’s time-traveling journey. With its blend of nostalgia and humor, “Back to 15” has captivated audiences, making it one of the standout Brazilian shows on Netflix.
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