“The Buckingham Murders” is a suspense thriller directed by Hansal Mehta, featuring Kareena Kapoor in her debut as a producer. Set in Buckinghamshire, the film follows Detective Jasmeet Bhamra, played by Kareena, as she investigates the murder of a 10-year-old boy in a tense community. The trailer opens with Jasmeet questioning multiple suspects about their whereabouts on the evening of November 14. As tensions rise, a Muslim teenager is detained, and Jasmeet faces pressure for stirring the community while she digs for the truth. Will she solve the case?
Release date is 13 September,2024
A quiet town. A murdered child. Detective Jasmeet Bhamra, played by Kareena Kapoor, dives deep into a web of secrets and suspects. Can she uncover the truth before it’s too late?
#TheBuckinghamMurders #KareenaKapoor #DetectiveThriller #HansalMehta #SuspenseFilm #MovieDebut #BalajiTelefilms #ComingSoon
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