“Thalavan” is a gripping Malayalam crime thriller that revolves around the intense rivalry between two police officers, CI Jayashankar (Biju Menon) and SI Karthik Vasudevan (Asif Ali). The plot takes a dark turn when a body is discovered in Jayashankar’s house, making him the prime suspect in a murder investigation led by Karthik. The tension escalates as the investigation unfolds, exploring the internal power struggles within the police force and offering unexpected twists that keep viewers hooked until the end.
Cast and Crew:
The film, directed by Jis Joy, marks his successful shift from romantic comedies to the thriller genre. It was shot across various locations in Kerala, capturing the intensity and drama of the storyline with gripping visuals by cinematographer Sharan Velayudhan.
Deepak Dev’s music plays a crucial role in enhancing the suspense and emotion throughout the film. His evocative score complements the narrative’s twists and turns, adding depth to the dramatic sequences.
Release Date:
After a successful 65-day theatrical run, “Thalavan” will premiere on Sony LIV on September 10, 2024, two days earlier than initially planned, coinciding with the Onam festival.
Final Verdict:
“Thalavan” offers a thrilling ride with compelling performances, a well-crafted narrative, and top-notch production values. Asif Ali and Biju Menon shine in their roles, and Jis Joy’s direction proves his versatility as a filmmaker. This film is a must-watch for fans of Malayalam cinema and crime thrillers.
#Thalavan #MalayalamCinema #SonyLIV #CrimeThriller #AsifAli #BijuMenon #Onam2024 #JisJoy #WatchOnline
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