Joy is a biographical drama that tells the remarkable true story of the world’s first in vitro fertilization baby, Louise Brown. Set in the 1960s and 1970s, the film follows Jean Purdy (played by Thomasin McKenzie), a nurse who teams up with visionary scientist Robert Edwards (played by James Norton) and innovative surgeon Patrick Steptoe (played by Bill Nighy) to make history by developing the first-ever ‘test tube baby.’
Produced by Wildgaze and Pathé, the film brings together a stellar team to retell the pioneering medical breakthrough that changed the world. Filming began in September 2023 in the UK, with a screenplay developed by Jack Thorne and his wife, Rachel Mason.
Release Date:
With a powerful cast and an inspiring story, Joy promises to be a heartwarming and emotional journey through one of the most groundbreaking moments in medical history.
#JoyMovie #TestTubeBaby #BillNighy #TrueStory #Netflix #BritishDrama #MedicalBreakthrough #HistoryInTheMaking #BiographicalFilm #InspiringStory
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