Sonu Sood’s directorial debut, Fateh, has been performing decently at the box office since its release on January 10, 2025. After a slight dip in collections on Monday, the film saw a boost on Day 5, thanks to the Makar Sankranti holiday. By 9:30 pm on Tuesday, Fateh had grossed Rs. 1.26 Crore, bringing its total collection to Rs. 8.96 Crore in India. Experts believe the movie could earn around Rs. 2 Crore by the end of the day.
While another major release, Game Changer, also debuted on the same day, the two films belong to different genres and should not be compared directly. The rise in Fateh‘s collections on the holiday proves its growing appeal among audiences.
The movie’s digital rights have been bought by Disney Plus Hotstar, and Fateh is expected to release on the platform after its theatrical run.
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