Pachinko is an American drama television series based on the 2017 novel by Min Jin Lee. Created by Soo Hugh, the show is directed by Kogonada and Justin Chon. The first season, released on March 25, 2022, on Apple TV+, garnered critical acclaim for its cinematography, writing, and performances. The second season is set to premiere on August 23, 2024.
The series chronicles four generations of a Korean family from 1915 to 1989, focusing on Sunja, who leaves Japanese-occupied Korea in 1931 to start a new life in Osaka, Japan. The story explores the hardships, discrimination, and perseverance of Korean immigrants in Japanese society.
Apple secured the rights in August 2018, with filming taking place in South Korea, Japan, and North America. The opening theme, “Let’s Live for Today” by The Grass Roots, was chosen after several other options were considered. The show was renewed for a second season in April 2022.
#Pachinko #AppleTV #KoreanDrama #MinJinLee #TVSeries
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