Actor Yami Gautam celebrated her 36th birthday with a special post from her husband, filmmaker Aditya Dhar. For the first time, Aditya shared a picture of their son, Vedavid, while keeping his face hidden. The post included adorable moments of Yami—sipping a beverage, laughing, and holding Vedavid during an outdoor outing.
Aditya captioned the post, “Happy Birthday to my better half!! Love You Vedu ki Mummy!” Yami replied with a sweet comment and reshared the post on her Instagram Stories.
Yami and Aditya, who got married in June 2021, welcomed their son in May this year. They previously worked together in Uri: The Surgical Strike.
Yami will soon appear in the comedy Dhoom Dhaam with Pratik Gandhi. Her recent film, Article 370, explored the revocation of Jammu and Kashmir’s special status and featured Priyamani and Arun Govil.
#YamiGautam #AdityaDhar #Vedavid #BirthdayLove #FamilyMoments #DhoomDhaam #Article370 #MomLife
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