Bollywood actress Kiara Advani took to Instagram to share a quirky peek into her morning routine, posting a picture of her gold toothbrush alongside matching golden taps in the background. The actress humorously captioned it: “Tell me you’re a Sindhi without telling me you’re a Sindhi,” poking fun at the well-known love Sindhis have for all things bling.
While some fans found the post amusing and relatable, others were quick to call it a show-off. Netizens flooded the comments with mixed reactions, with some asking if the brush made her morning breath smell better and others sarcastically commenting on her lavish lifestyle. The post quickly went viral, sparking debates about celebrity lifestyles and the line between fun and flaunting.
#KiaraAdvani #GoldToothbrush #SindhiStyle #BlingLife #CelebrityLifestyle #Trolled #MorningRoutine #ShowOffOrNot #KiaraOnInstagram
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