Varun Dhawan’s Baby John had high hopes of launching him into the mass action genre, but it failed miserably at the box office. Despite a ₹160 crore budget, the film earned only ₹47 crore globally, with just ₹35 crore in India. The movie, a remake of Atlee’s Theri, didn’t connect with fans or critics. It opened with a weak ₹12 crore, and negative reviews led to a sharp decline in earnings. After eight days, its nationwide shows dropped from 4300 to 1800, and experts predict a total under ₹60 crore, leading to a loss of ₹100 crore for the makers.
What went wrong? Despite having a strong star, mass appeal, and backing by Atlee, the film lacked the right execution. Varun Dhawan struggled with the mass action role, and the movie felt more like a spoof than a fresh take. The stale plot, lack of finesse in presentation, and cringe-worthy Salman Khan cameo didn’t help either. Baby John serves as a reminder that just a formula isn’t enough for a film to succeed.
#BabyJohn #VarunDhawan #BoxOfficeDisaster #BollywoodFails #MassAction #FilmFlop
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