Suhana Khan was quick to celebrate her best friend Ananya Panday’s Filmfare OTT Awards win. Suhana shared a photo of Ananya with her Filmfare trophy, writing, “Best friend & best actress 💖,” which Ananya reposted with “Bestie girl ❤️.”
Ananya’s victory was celebrated by stars like Bhavana Pandey, Walker Blanco, and Navya Nanda. She also shared moments from the ceremony and quoted Shah Rukh Khan’s iconic Filmfare speech from Om Shanti Om.
Ananya’s upcoming project includes a film with Akshay Kumar and R Madhavan, while Suhana preps for her debut in King.
#Besties #FilmfareWin #AnanyaPanday #SuhanaKhan #KhoGayeHumKahan #FilmfareAwards #BollywoodStars #NextBigThings
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