Ranveer Singh has once again taken the internet by storm with his first leaked look from the sets of his upcoming film Dhurandhar. The photos and videos, which surfaced recently, show Ranveer sporting a turban, holding a large gun, and walking with a cigarette in hand. But the most striking video features him in a pathani kurta, with long hair, resembling his fierce character Alauddin Khilji from Padmaavat (2018). Fans quickly flooded social media, comparing his new look to Ranbir Kapoor’s character from Animal (2023).
While some netizens joked that Ranveer’s look resembled Ranbir’s character, many felt that it reminded them of his portrayal of Khilji, with one fan saying, “He was Animal before Animal!” Others also pointed out that Ranveer had long hair for Khilji long before Animal came out. This new look is sure to add more excitement for the release of Dhurandhar!
#RanveerSingh #Dhurandhar #AlauddinKhilji #Padmaavat #LeakedLook #Bollywood #Animal #RanbirKapoor
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