Priyanka Chopra has teased her fans with the exciting news that she might return to Bollywood in 2025. At the Red Sea Film Festival, she shared that she’s very close to signing a new Bollywood project. Chopra, who has been busy with international work, said that India and Indian films will always be in her heart. She also mentioned, “I’m very close to doing one next year, so keep your fingers crossed. Send good vibes that it works out.”
Chopra, who has focused on Western films and web series recently, admitted that she misses the energy of Indian film sets, especially the dance sequences. In an interview with Variety, she said she’s looking for new challenges and hopes to work with filmmakers who can push her to take on more diverse roles.
Fans are eagerly waiting for Chopra’s return to Bollywood after her last film, The Sky Is Pink, in 2019. She had also announced her role in Jee Le Zaraa, alongside Alia Bhatt and Katrina Kaif, but the project hasn’t moved forward, possibly due to the busy schedules of the stars.
On the international front, Chopra will be seen next in Heads of State and The Bluff, and she will also return for the second season of Citadel.
#PriyankaChopra #BollywoodReturn #IndianCinema #Citadel #JeeLeZaraa #HeadsOfState #TheBluff #ExcitingNews #NewProjects
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