Fashion designer Manish Malhotra, who was earlier reported to direct a biopic on legendary actress Meena Kumari, has confirmed that he is no longer involved in the project. He shared that the biopic has now been shelved. Manish said, “I’m no longer doing the biopic. I’ll direct something else. Directing is one dream that remains unfulfilled.” Earlier this year, it was reported that Kriti Sanon would play the role of Meena Kumari in the film.
The biopic was initially set to begin filming in October 2023 but was delayed multiple times. It was later scheduled for October 2024, then October 2025, and now it has been shelved completely.
Manish shared that his love for films started early, watching classics like Mughal-e-Azam and the works of Raj Kapoor and Guru Dutt. He believes that some fashion designers, like himself, have an instinct for films, making his transition into directing natural.
Meena Kumari is remembered as one of the most famous stars in Hindi cinema, known for films like Pakeezah, Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam, and Aarti. She passed away in 1972 after battling liver illness for several years.
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