The 2025 Oscars shortlist for Best International Feature Film was announced, but India’s entry, Laapataa Ladies, didn’t make the cut. Directed by Kiran Rao, the film was selected by the Film Federation of India (FFI) to represent India at the Oscars. Its exclusion from the list has upset fans, who are now criticizing the FFI’s decision-making.
Many believe All We Imagine As Light (AWIAL), a Cannes-winning film, was a better choice. One fan tweeted, “FFI ignored AWIAL and ruined our chances. They need to let people who understand cinema take charge.” Another added, “You can’t start promoting an Oscar entry in October and expect it to win. AWIAL had a better shot.”
The backlash has sparked fresh calls for reforms in the way India selects its Oscar entries, with fans demanding better planning and decision-making.
#LaapataaLadies #Oscars2025 #FFI #OscarSnub #IndianCinema #KiranRao
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