Khushi Kapoor, who’s been linked to actor Vedang Raina after starring together in The Archies, recently shared her thoughts on dating and public attention. In a candid interview with Bazaar India, Khushi said, “It’s new for me… I prefer to keep my personal life private and focus on my work.” She also mentioned that her go-to people for advice are her family—Janhvi, dad, and Arjun Kapoor—whose experience helps her navigate the industry.
Khushi, who made her Bollywood debut with The Archies, will next be seen in a romantic drama alongside Junaid Khan, releasing on February 7, 2025. While the dating rumors with Vedang continue, they’ve been spotted together at her birthday celebrations, where he helped her with her hair as she blew out the candles.
#KhushiKapoor #VedangRaina #DatingRumors #BollywoodDebut #TheArchies #FamilySupport #WorkFocus #PrivateLife #RomanticDrama
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