Actor Kareena Kapoor recently met Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Delhi, where she received a special souvenir for her sons, Taimur and Jeh Ali Khan. Kareena shared pictures from the meeting with her husband Saif Ali Khan, brother Ranbir Kapoor, sister-in-law Alia Bhatt, and sister Karisma Kapoor. The family was in Delhi to invite PM Modi to the Raj Kapoor Film Festival, celebrating the 100th birth anniversary of Raj Kapoor, the legendary filmmaker.
In one picture, PM Modi signed a note for Kareena’s sons, addressing them as “Tim and Jeh”. Kareena expressed gratitude, writing,
The Raj Kapoor Film Festival will run from December 13 to 15 in 101 cinemas across 34 cities, showcasing iconic films like Awara, Shree 420, and Mera Naam Joker to celebrate Kapoor’s contribution to Indian cinema.
#KareenaKapoor #PMModi #RajKapoorFilmFestival #TimAndJeh #RajKapoorLegacy #IndianCinema #FamilyMoment #KareenaSaif #RajKapoor
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