Kangana Ranaut’s much-awaited film Emergency is finally set for release on January 17, 2025, after a delay due to CBFC censorship issues. The latest trailer, running for 1 minute and 50 seconds, has left fans excited. In it, Kangana, as Indira Gandhi, confidently declares, “Yeh Indraprastha hai, aur humne yudhh ki ghoshna ki hai, Kauravon ke khilaf,” referring to the Mahabharata.
Her powerful portrayal continues with the memorable line, “India is Indira, and Indira is India.” Fans are already buzzing, with many predicting that her performance could earn her a National Award and help make the movie a major success.
#EmergencyTrailer #KanganaRanaut #IndiraGandhi #NationalAward #FilmRelease #Blockbuster #Indraprastha
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