Recently, the Kapoor family met Prime Minister Narendra Modi to invite him to the Raj Kapoor Film Festival, celebrating the 100th birth anniversary of the legendary actor-filmmaker. In an interview with Agenda Aaj Tak, Kangana Ranaut shared her thoughts on the meeting and PM Modi’s engagement with the film industry, calling it an important step.
When asked about the meeting, Kangana said, “The film industry needs guidance. It’s a soft power that is underutilized. Today, whether it’s PM Modi, the Information Broadcast Ministry, or other programs, our industry has been without direction. That’s why they can be easily influenced, especially on issues like the Jihadi agenda or Palestinian agenda. Without guidance, they don’t know where to go.”
Kangana went on to say that people in the film industry are vulnerable and easily influenced, adding, “A little money can make them do anything. They are invited to parties by people like Dawood, and often get caught in hawala and drugs. The industry is very vulnerable. The step to meet them shows that PM Modi cares about their work. It reminds them that someone is watching their actions.”
She also mentioned, “The film industry deserves to be treated like other mainstream industries. We make so many films, generate huge revenue, but don’t get the respect we deserve.” She concluded by saying, “I have requested an audience with the Prime Minister and hope to meet him soon.”
#KanganaRanaut #KapoorFamily #PMModi #FilmIndustry #RajKapoor #SoftPower #Guidance #VulnerableIndustry #FilmFestival
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