Chunky Panday, a staple in Bollywood for nearly 40 years, shared his pride about his daughter Ananya and wife Bhavana’s rising fame. He shared how he’s often recognized as Ananya’s dad, which brings him joy. “It feels great to be known because of my child,” he said with a smile.
Chunky also revealed how in Paris, people now recognize Bhavana thanks to her Netflix show Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives. “People would ask me, ‘You’re Bhavana’s husband, can you click our picture?’” he added. Watching his family shine brings him immense happiness.
The actor joked about being known for his diverse roles, from Babban in Tezaab to Aakhri Pasta in Housefull. “I’m living the dream,” he laughed.
On the family front, Chunky shared how his younger daughter Rysa keeps the bar high with her standards. “She’s a good filter for us,” he said, adding that each family member thinks differently, from adventurous to level-headed.
Catch Chunky in Griha Laxmi, where he plays a ruthless don, releasing on Epic On on January 16.
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