Akshay Kumar, who starred in the original Bhool Bhulaiyaa, recently shared why he wasn’t part of the sequels. During a chat with Pinkvilla, a fan mentioned skipping Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 and 3 because Akshay was missing from them. Akshay replied candidly, “Beta, mujhey nikaal diya tha” (I was removed).
In the sequels, Kartik Aaryan took over as the lead. Both films were box-office hits but shifted from the original’s psychological horror theme to a more comedic approach.
In a previous interview, Kartik Aaryan expressed his admiration for Akshay, saying, “I’ve been a fan of Akshay since childhood. It feels strange to be compared to him.”
During the interaction, Akshay also shared an update on Hera Pheri 3, saying the shoot might start soon if all goes well. Reflecting on the original Hera Pheri, he added, “We didn’t expect it to become such a cult. The characters of Babu Bhaiya, Raju, and Shyam became iconic.”
Currently, Akshay is filming Bhoot Bangla, reuniting with director Priyadarshan after 14 years.
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