Amid divorce rumours, Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan have posted new pictures, showing their strong bond. Shared by entrepreneur Anu Ranjan and actor Ayesha Jhulka, the photos feature the couple at a party, smiling together. Aishwarya and Abhishek wore matching black outfits, with Aishwarya in a suit and Abhishek in a bandhgala.
In one picture, Aishwarya is seen clicking a selfie with her mother Brindya Rai and Abhishek. Anu’s post was captioned with “So much love and warmth,” while fans reacted by praising the couple’s unity, saying they were shutting off false rumours. Ayesha Jhulka also shared more photos from the event, showing the couple enjoying their time.
The rumours about Aishwarya and Abhishek’s marriage began after some incidents at Anant Ambani’s wedding and grew after Aishwarya was not wished on her birthday by the Bachchan family. However, these new pictures speak volumes about their love and togetherness.
#AishwaryaRai #AbhishekBachchan #DivorceRumours #BachchanFamily #CelebrityNews #LoveAndUnity #Bollywood
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