Meerut Police has announced a reward of ₹25,000 for each of the five absconding suspects in the kidnapping of stand-up comedian Sunil Pal. The accused—Lavi Pal, Akash, Shiva, Ankit, and Shubham—are still at large, and police are actively searching for them.
Sunil Pal was allegedly abducted on December 2, after being invited to an event, and was held hostage for 24 hours. He was released only after the kidnappers extorted ₹8 lakh in ransom. Following the incident, his wife filed a complaint, and the investigation was transferred to Meerut Police. Earlier, Arjun Karnwal was arrested after an encounter in connection with the case.
Sunil Pal recently praised the UP Police for their swift action. This follows a similar kidnapping incident involving Bollywood actor Mushtaq Khan in Bijnor district.
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